Infinity | Video Screening App | gther platform - gther

Infinity high end content screening for meetings and events

You need a reliable, efficient, easy-to-use platform to screen video content at meetings, in rooms or on the move.

Professional video content deserves professional delivery. Seamless sharing, powerful analytics, offline ready.

Featured Videos

Tag key videos in the library to feature them on the home page of the app for different audiences

Related Videos

Receive recommendations of similar videos to spark organic up or cross selling in meetings


The app can capture video content analytics, and user activity across the library across meetings

Powerful Search

Filter videos in the library by name, duration, genre, release date, category and more

Elegant UI

We’ve stripped back unnecessary design to focus on performance and make the app clutter free

Work offline

You can use the app on the move, without WiFi access. Sync content updates when you’re online

It’s like Netflix for meetings

Supercharge your sales

Talk to our team about how you can use Infinity to empower your sales team throughout the year at meetings, tradeshows, events and on the go. Lightweight, powerful, professional.